Old questions, new answers : quality criteria for museum education : proceedings of the ICOM CECA’11 conference, Zagreb, September 16-21, 2011.
The future of natural history museums : relevance, balance and innovation, Croatia, 11-16 October 2014 : abstracts.
2016 ICOM Milano 24th General Conference, 3-9 July 2016, Italy, CIMCIM Comité international des musées et collections d’instruments et de musique – Musical instrument museums: interpreting the present: speakers’ biographies and abstracts.
CIMCIM Conference 2015 : Performers and performance in a museum environment: global perspectives, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Russia : Program, schedule, special events and abstracts.
Collectors at music museums – reasons and means : abstracts, CIMCIM conference, 24-31 August 2014, the Nordic countries.