ICOFOM 29th annual meeting, ICOFOM LAM 15th regional meeting : Museology and history, a field of knowledge. 29o. Congreso anual del ICOFOM, 15o. Congreso regional del ICOFOM LAM : Museología e historia, un campo de conocimiento (spa) Info Type: Publication ISBN: 987-20913-6-1. Meeting: ICOM International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM), Annual meeting, 29th, Córdoba and Alta Gracia, Argentina, 2006 Meeting complement: ICOFOM-LAM. Regional meeting, 15th, Córdoba and Alta Gracia, Argentina, 2006 Place, publisher, year: [Alta Gracia] : Museo de la Estancia jesuítica^bICOFOM, [2006] Collation: 1 CD Year: 2006. Serial type: Livre - Monographie - Document Description: muséologie; comité international.