Type: Publicación
ISSN: 2077-7531.
Place, publisher, year: [New Haven, CT] : ICOM International Committee for Documentation, 2014
Notes: Paper delivered at CIDOC 2014 conference in Dresden, Germany.
Collation: p. 8-14 ; illus. ; 30 cm
Subject meeting: ICOM International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC). Annual meeting, Dresden, Germany, 6-11 September 2014
Author: Light, Richard B.
Year: 2014.
Serial type: Artículo de revista
Synopsis: This paper intends to explore to which extent museums contribute to the study of history and how this might be improved. Most of museum efforts go to documenting museum collections management. This is not useful for the study of history. The "linked data" approach offers the most practical way of sharing historical information that museums record. Museum data needs to be expressed in terms of shared frameworks. Presently, existing collections management systems do not offer a suitable environment for the publication of historical information. Dedicated linked data stores may be a more effective means of pooling historical information from a wide variety of sources.
Description: documentación; gestión de colecciones; tesauro