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April 22, 2022

Network The ICOM network actively participates in Earth Day 2022

For several years, the International Council of Museums has been active on issues related to sustainability and climate change. And Earth Day is always an opportunity to remind us of this commitment through the active participation of our network members. 

How is ICOM addressing climate change? By encouraging museums to develop research and strategies on sustainability and climate change, we are empowering museums, visitors and communities to help ensure a sustainable future for all. In 2021, we hosted a webinar bringing together museum professionals from four different regions of the world, to discuss what sustainability means to them, with an emphasis on how partnerships and communication can help projects succeed.

This year we would like to highlight two initiatives proposed by our committees and affiliated organisations, and invite you to participate in them. While research and dissemination of knowledge on these topics is fundamental, we believe that active participation and community engagement is essential to tackling climate change and ensuring a sustainable future.

ICOM UK: Reimagining Museums for Climate Action Workshops in May 2022 

This live and interactive workshop will draw on the Museums for Climate Action project, which produced an exhibition at COP26, website, book and practical toolkit for museum workers. The workshop will be led by Henry McGhie of Curating Tomorrow, part of the Museums for Climate Action team and a member of the ICOM Sustainability Working Group. The 3 events are free, open to all, and at 3 different times to accommodate different time zones.

In addition, they draw on the tools, frameworks and opportunities to accelerate climate action in and with museums, a Mobilising Museums toolkit developed by Museums for Climate action.

Book now for the Workshop

CIMAM global survey on the SDGs tackling Climate, Social and Economic Sustainability in the Museum Practice 

CIMAM is an affiliated organisation dedicated to the collection and exhibition of modern and contemporary art. CIMAM’s survey will provide an overview of the status and progress of modern and contemporary art museums and cultural institutions towards achieving the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

The report will link the SDGs with museums’ core values and allows CIMAM to broaden its approach in promoting sustainable practices in museums’ social and economic fields.

Contribute with your expertise and experience to this leading research. Please note that while your answers will be anonymized in the report, you will be listed as a respondent.

Take part in CIMAM’s survey


The International Council of Museums (ICOM) created International Museum Day in 1977 to raise awareness of the role of museums in the development of society, and it has been growing ever since. In 2021, the celebration has amplified its impact through the development of hybrid activities around the world, reaching 89 million people through social media, news articles, blog posts, podcasts and more!

The theme of International Museum Day 2022 is The Power of Museums. One of the three sub-themes of this day is particularly related to Earth Day: The power of achieving sustainability.

For more information, visit the official IMD website.