Committees’ directory

The 34 International Committees bring together experts of museum specialties.
They are global think tanks on museum, and more generally, heritage, matters. They define standards, develop recommendations, and share professional experience and scientific information, with ICOM members. From the 34 International Committees 18 are based on type of collection and 16 are dealing with general, overarching topics.

International Committees are principal instruments for the work of ICOM and for the realisation of its programmes of activity. They are channels of communication between ICOM members with similar professional interests. International Committees are jointly responsible for the development and implementation of ICOM’s programmes and of activities related to each Committee’s specific mandate. Furthermore, the Committees provide valuable advice to the Executive Board, the Advisory Council, and the Director-General on matters relevant to ICOM’s mission and programmes. The International committees develop many activities such as conferences, meetings, seminars, publications…

If you want to know more about each International Committees and their activities, please consult the list below, you will find a general description of each committee and the link to their website. Do not hesitate to consult our agenda which lists the different conferences.

List of committees (37)