ICOM Information Centre

Created in 1948, the ICOM Documentation Centre is managed by the Secretariat.
Collections held at ICOM headquarters
Publications of ICOM, its Committees and Regional Alliances are kept at the headquarters. In addition, the centre holds a collection of national legislation concerning the protection of cultural heritage, directories of national and international museums, publications and reports on illicit trafficking and on heritage at risk in emergency situations.
Over 44,000 references are indexed in the ICOM online library.
The secretariat archives and part of the archives of the international committees are also kept at ICOM headquarters. The archive database is accessible online to members via the members’ area.
Access to the ICOM Information Centre
The Centre is located at 15 rue Lasson – 75012 Paris. It is open to ICOM members, researchers and students, by appointment.
For an appointment, contact the ICOM Information Center Documentalist
Off-site collections
In 1995, the collection of monographs and periodicals on museology, museography and conservation as well as the collection of museum catalogues was transferred on deposit to the Documentation Unit of the Service des Musées de France of the Direction Générale des Patrimoines. In 2022, the collection moved again. It is now housed in the Centre d’études et de documentation of the Centre Dominique-Vivant Denon, located in the south wing of the Cour Carrée at the Musée du Louvre (by appointment).
Catalogue of the Documentation Unit
In 1994, an important collection of exhibition catalogues was transferred on deposit to the library of the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA). For more information, contact them by email or by phone at +33 (0)1 47 03 50 82.
Catalogue of the ENSBA library