ICOM SAREC Special Projects Grants and Solidarity Projects
Each year, ICOM establishes general guidelines to support the successful application of participants. Proposals should highlight the relevance of projects to ICOM’s strategic plan, the clarity of their objectives, collaboration with other entities, innovation, and a sustainable approach.
ICOM encourages all its National Committees (NCs), International Committees (ICs), Regional Alliances (RAs), and Affiliated Organisations (AOs) to engage in these calls for projects.
2025 Call for Projects
In an effort to promote excellence and solidarity, the ICOM Strategic Allocation Review Committee (SAREC), announces the opening of the “2025 ICOM Special Projects Grants” and the “Solidarity in Times of Crisis 2025” Calls for Projects.
The “2025 ICOM Special Projects Grants” invite the members of our community to showcase their innovative and impactful projects. Proposals are expected from ICOM National Committees (NCs), International Committees (ICs), Regional Alliances (RAs), and Affiliated Organizations (AOs). ICOM is ready to fund up to 50% of the project total budget, with a maximum grant of 15,000 euros. To be eligible, projects must secure another confirmed funding source and should be finalized before December 12, 2024.
In recognition of the world’s ever-increasing challenges, ICOM introduces the “Solidarity in Times of Crisis 2025” Call for Projects. This initiative seeks to support ICOM members grappling with conflicts, natural disasters, and other crises, both locally and globally. ICOM is committed to providing up to 75% of the total project cost, up to a maximum of 20,000 euros, to projects focused on crisis situations. These projects must secure another confirmed funding source and should be finalized by December 12, 2024.
For detailed guidelines and further information, please visit your ICOM Member Space.
- Solidarity projects
- Community-Led Training: Establishing a Foundation for Heritage Conservation in Africa – ICOM CC, ICOM Africa, COSTUME, CIDOC, ICOM France, ICOM Spain, ICR, DEMHIST, ICOM South Africa, ICOM Namibia, DRMC (TBC)
- Heritage Resilience: Safeguarding Cultural Legacy in Crisis Zones – “ICOM Europe, ICOM Georgia, DRMC, ICOM Austria, ICOM Belgium, MPR, ICOM Italy, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Bouclier Bleu, Istituto Centrale per il Restauro
- Enhance Museums in Africa : Renforcer les capacités des CN face aux enjeux mondiaux de développement des musées en Afrique – ICOM Africa, ICOM Europe, ICOM Arabe, SUSTAIN, IC Ethics, ICOM France, ICOM Madagascar, ICOM Cameroun
- Atelier de formation des professionnels de musée et des représentants des communautés locales sur la gestion du patrimoine culturel en situation d’urgence Burkina Faso, Bénin, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali et Togo – ICOM Burkina Faso, ICOM Benin, ICOM Ivory Coast, ICOM Mali, ICOM Togo
- Proyecto de rescate y protección de las colecciones arqueológicas y etnográficas del Museo de sitio de Real Alto, en la Comuna Ancestral Pechiche, provincia de Santa Elena, Ecuador, ante los posibles efectos del fenómeno El Niño – ICOM Ecuador, Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos y Antropológicos (CEAA), Corporación Nacional De Arqueología, Antropología E Historia (CONAH), ICOM Chile
- Impact of climate change in South American archaeological and ethnographical museum collections: a study case in Paraguay – ICMAH, ICOM Paraguay, Fundacion La Piedad Museo Etnografico Dr. Andres Barbero
- HISTORIA(S) DE LA MUSEOLOGÍA EN AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE: conexiones de una comunidad científica – ICOM Brasil, ICOFOM LAC, ICOM Barbados, ICOM Guatemala, ICOM Chile, ICEE, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Fundación Joaquim Nabuco
- Special Projects
- Young people shaping the future of museology through the lens of the SDGs (Year 2) – “ICOFOM, University of St Andrews, ICOM UK, Qatar Museums, ICOM ASPAC, ICOM Greece, ICOM Croatia, Fudan University, National Gallery of the Cayman Islands, Cayman National Cultural Foundation, University of Zagreb, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, West Harris Trust, Association des Musées et Établissements Patrimoniaux de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Pacific Region)”
- Fortaleciendo la cultura, la comunidad, y la profesionalización a través de la documentación – CIDOC, ICOM Mexico, ICOM Costa Rica, COSTUME, ICOM Guatemala, ICOM LAC
- Beads – COSTUME, ICOM Canada, ICOM Singapore, AFRI
- Durabilité sociale/durabilité naturelle : l’urgence de l’éducation – CECA, NATHIST, ICOM Afrique, ICOM France, ICOM Benin, ICOM Ivory Coast, ICOM Mali, ICOM Burkina Faso, ICOM Greece, ICOM Spai, ICOM Argentina, l’UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa, Musée de l’Eau Burkina Faso
- Museum Digital Sustainability Talks – ICOM Italy, AVICOM, Smart Heritage CiC, ICOM Europe
- Capacity Building – Branding – Fundraising as Key Leadership Stations Towards Successful Training Programme for Young Professionals – INTERCOM, ICOMON, MPR, ICTOP, ICOM Croatia, Dvor Trakoscan, Indonesia Hidden Heritage Creative Hub
- International Museum Conference – ICOM Zambia, ICOM Africa, INTERCOM, ICR, ICOM NATHIST, National Museums Board
- Everything in a Museum Communicates – MPR, ICOM Italy, ICOM Georgia, Galata Museo del Mare, Georgian National Museum
- Pacific Cultural Collections Program – Research and Development Phase – ICOM Australia, ICOM New Zealand
- Listening and Learning: Memorial and Human Rights Museums Building a More Sustainable Future for Peace – ICMEMOHRI, ICOM Nigeria, Aegis Trust, Kigali Genocide Memorial
- Preservación, revitalización y promoción de las lenguas indígenas en los museos – ICOM Guatemala, ICOFOM LAC, Cooperativa El Recuerdo, Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Asociación Lingüística y Cultural Xinka, Asociación Cultural Educativa Poqomam
- Encuentro Regional de Profesionales de Museos de América Latina y el Caribe – Rumbo a ICOM Dubai 2025 – ICOM LAC, CAF Banco de Desarrollo de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, Centro Cultural La Moneda, ICOM Chile
The ICOM Strategic Allocation Review Committee (SAREC) is intended to review the subvention applications submitted to ICOM by its Committees, Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations as they relate to the frame of the organisation’s Strategic Plan and based on their capacity of implementation while reaching their objectives with full consumption of the given funds.
Its tasks cover on the one hand the subventions for International Committees and Regional Alliances and on the other hand, the assessment of projects in order to review all the requests with the most comprehensive and strategic vision.