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September 30, 2024

NetworkExecutive board 2025 – 2028: the call for candidacies is open!

Would you like to strengthen your commitment to ICOM and shape the future of our organisation? The call for candidacies for the 2025-2028 ICOM Executive Board is open! 

During the 27th ICOM General Conference which will take place in November 2025, ICOM will have a crucial moment for its democratic and institutional life: the election of the 2025-2028 ICOM Executive Board.

The Executive Board, as the executive decision-making organ of ICOM, acts in accordance with the governing duties conferred upon it by the ICOM Statutes and the ICOM Internal Rules.

It is “the elected head of the Organisation vested with the responsibility of overseeing the implementation by the relevant organs and bodies of the strategies identified by the General Assembly and taking the necessary measures to implement the General Assembly’s decisionsThe Executive Board shall ensure the good management of ICOM, and shall oversee ICOM’s various resources (financial, material, human, intellectual and technical), their use, disposal and development. It shall, in particular, approve the annual accounts of ICOM. It shall undertake to protect ICOM’s reputation, international esteem and public regard and shall provide direction to the Secretariat” (Article 10 – Section 4 of the ICOM Statutes).

The call was sent by email on 16 September 2024 to the Chairs and Secretaries of all National Committees, International Committees and Regional Alliances.

The call for candidacies is open from 16 September 2024 until 16 December 2024 (23:59 CET).

Why apply? Join the Executive Board and help shape the future of ICOM and museums globally. As an Executive Board member, you will contribute to decision-making, ensure good governance, oversee ICOM’s various resources, and protect ICOM’s reputation. ICOM is seeking dynamic passionate candidates to bring innovative ideas and drive the museum field forward. If you are ready to make a difference, don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the next Executive Board!

How to apply

Before submitting your candidacy, we invite you to read the Election Rules carefully and to take note of all the documents relating to the elections which can be accessed here and are regularly updated. Only candidacies that follow and respect the established procedure and rules will be considered.