Museums have no borders,
they have a network

General Assembly

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the representation of the members and the decision-making body of ICOM

It sets the Statutes, elects the members of the Executive Council, and adopts ICOM’s Strategic Plan. The General Assembly meets every year at the same time as the Advisory Committee.



The General Assembly serves as the principal decision-making body within ICOM, ensuring representation of the global museum community through its National and International Committees, Regional Alliances, and Affiliated Organizations.

Meeting annually, the General Assembly addresses critical issues, adopts strategic plans, and votes on resolutions impacting the museum sector worldwide.

On 11 June 2024, representatives of ICOM will have the chance to gather in presence at MUCEM for the 30th Ordinary General Assembly.

ICOM Members: please, visit the website Agora for more information.


One of the significant achievements of the General Assembly is the adoption of the new museum definition, which reflects contemporary challenges and expectations of museums. Approved during the Extraordinary General Assembly in 2022, the new definition emphasizes inclusivity, community participation, and sustainability:

“A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection, and knowledge sharing”​

This definition was the result of an extensive 18-month participatory process involving professionals from 126 National Committees, showcasing ICOM’s commitment to transparency and inclusivity.

Resolutions and Statutes

The resolutions adopted by the General Assembly are pivotal in shaping global museum practices. For example, the 34th General Assembly held in Kyoto in 2019 passed several key resolutions including commitments to sustainability (aligned with Agenda 2030), the integration of Asian museums into the ICOM community, and the role of museums as cultural hubs.

Moreover, the statutes of ICOM, as outlined on their website, provide a structural and operational framework for the organization. They define the roles and responsibilities of the General Assembly, including the election of the President and Executive Board, and the approval of recommendations from the Advisory Council and other ICOM bodies​.

Strategic Planning and Governance

The General Assembly also plays a critical role in the strategic planning of ICOM. In the 37th Ordinary General Assembly in Prague 2022, members voted on the 2022-2028 ICOM Strategic Plan, which outlines the organization’s priorities and initiatives for the coming years. This includes enhancing museum practices globally, advocating for heritage protection, and fostering international cooperation.


The participatory nature of ICOM’s processes ensures that voices from diverse cultural and geographical backgrounds are heard. This approach not only democratizes decision-making but also enriches the global dialogue on museum practices and policies.

The ICOM General Assembly ensures that ICOM remains responsive to the evolving needs of the global museum community, fostering a sustainable and inclusive cultural heritage sector.