ICOM-IMREC is proud to announce the publication of the final report on the research project examining public funding for museums.
Conducted by the International Research Alliance on Public Funding for Museums (IRAPFM), the study Decrease in public funding ? A worldwide answer from museums, highlights the persistent decline of public funding world-wide and makes a significant contribution to the global understanding of funding models for museums and their adaptation to diverse regional and cultural contexts.
In July 2022, the ICOM-IMREC Academic and Programming Board selected the IRAPFM project, led by the University of Québec at Montreal (UQAM), as the winning proposal for the Targeted Research Call on Public Funding for Museums. The IRAPFM team is comprised of leading researchers and institutions from around the world, including:
- UQAM, Canada (Pr. Yves Bergeron, Pr. Lisa Baillargeon, and Me Michèle Rivet, C.M.)
- Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Canada (Me Marc Lajoie)
- Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (Pr. Conal McCarthy)
- Universitat de Barcelona, Spain (Pr. Xavier Roigè)
- Universidade Federal Do Est Ado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Dra Luciana M. de Carvalho)
- Additional Researchers from India (Pr. Ambika Patel) and South Africa (Mrs. Catherine Snel).
The IRAPFM study employed a robust methodology that included a quantitative survey distributed to all ICOM National Committees, offering a global snapshot of public funding trends. This was complemented by a qualitative survey targeting selected museums across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania, which highlighted innovative funding practices and challenges. Additionally, the research incorporated a comprehensive literature review, providing contextual analysis through an extensive collection of scholarly articles, reports, and books.
This final report represents a complete study on the global state of public funding for museums. It offers a clear call to action for stakeholders worldwide to prioritize sustainable funding solutions.
The full report is now available for download here.