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January 12, 2024

Sustainability ICOM Award Capacity Building Session on Sustainable Development Practice for Museums

The ICOM Award for Sustainable Development Practice in Museums aims to create learning opportunities for ICOM Bodies (National Committees, International Committees, Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations) and the award applicants.

The goal of these Capacity Building Sessions is to encourage cohesive, well-developed proposals in shared understanding and to empower ICOM Members as actors in sustainable development. 

The capacity-building sessions have been developed in partnership with ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and Curating Tomorrow. 

ICCROM is an intergovernmental organisation working in service to its Member States to promote the conservation of all forms of cultural heritage in every region of the world. With a developed capacity-building programme (part of the “Our Collections Matter” (OCM) initiative) the session will cover how applicants can make use of the OCM toolkit to identify the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are being advanced through their projects. 

Curating Tomorrow is a consultancy platform helping museums imagine, design and create better futures, supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, climate action and nature conservation. 

Information on the Capacity-Building Sessions

Whether you are part of an ICOM Body or an aspiring ICOM Award Applicant, these two sessions are tailored to enhance your understanding and involvement within the ICOM Award. 

The sessions are organised as follows: 

FOR ICOM BODIES (National Committees, International Committees, Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations) 

Participation in one (1) of the Capacity Building Sessions is a mandatory criterion for ICOM Bodies to take part in the endorsement of Projects submitted by ICOM Members during the ICOM Award Call for Applications. 

In that respect, all participating ICOM Bodies are required to appoint an ICOM Body Representative, who will be the lead of the endorsement process and attend the capacity-building session.  

Catch-up session for ICOM Bodies on the 17th of April 2024 14:00-15:30 CET.

The appointment and registration are made by the chair of the ICOM Body through this form:

Register here

The Zoom link will be sent one day before the session.


A Capacity Building Session will be organised for the award applicants. Participation in the session will enable the applicants to grasp a complete understanding of the Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 5Ps (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership), the award criteria, and what will be expected of them for the award. It will also introduce informative materials and toolkits that can be used to make a well-developed award application. 

Catch-up session for Applicants on the 19th of April from 14:00 – 15:30 CET. 

Register here

The Zoom link will be sent one day before the session.


  • How can I participate in the ICOM Award for Sustainable Development Practice in Museums? 

For ICOM Bodies (National Committee, International Committee, Regional Alliance, Affiliated Organisation): 

As an ICOM Body, you can participate by endorsing the Candidates’ applications. The conditions for participation are detailed above. 

If you are an interested applicant: 

First, your museum is required to be an ICOM institutional member in good standing.  

If your museum if not yet a member, you will find the information on how to participate here. 

  • Are the Capacity Building Sessions mandatory? 

The Capacity Building Sessions are mandatory for the ICOM Body Representatives to be able to endorse projects. 

  • When will the call for applications open? 

The call for application for Candidates will be published in March 2024. More details on the process will be communicated with the call. 

  • What is the Endorsement Process and how is it carried out? 

For ICOM Bodies: More information will be provided to the eligible endorsing ICOM Bodies once they have completed the above online form. 

For Candidates: The Endorsement Process is a requirement to submit a valid application. Candidates will have to include the “ICOM Award Endorsement letter” signed by the chair and Representative of the ICOM Body with their application. 

For more inquiries, do not hesitate to write to us at