We are pleased to announce that the new issue of Museum International, dedicated to the ICOM 2016 General Conference theme ‘Museums and cultural landscapes’, has just been published. The printed version will be available in early December.
We have redefined the journal’s layout and design to be more aesthetically pleasing and readable, bringing out a more dynamic, vibrant whole.
A new editorial board has been appointed for the next three years. The eight new members are established researchers or professionals in their respective fields, and represent the geographical and disciplinary diversity of the museum and heritage field.
The concept of ‘cultural landscape’ is a complex and multi-faceted one. In this issue, authors illustrate varying practical approaches to cultural landscapes, routes, and intangible and tangible cultural heritage around the world, including Italy, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands, Hong Kong and the Philippines, Mozambique and South Africa.
Free access to the articles will be available to ICOM members for 30 days, through the Wiley Online Library platform.
Wiley offers a reduced subscription fee to all ICOM members. To subscribe, please visit the Museum International homepage.