Museums have no borders,
they have a network
Type: Publication
ISSN: 2077-7531.
Place, publisher, year: [various places] : ICOM International Committee for Documentation, 1989 - current
Notes: Various editors. Change of numbering. Latest issue: Year 2015. Electronic version available on CIDOC website.:
Collation: 30 cm
Author: Delmas-Glass, Emmanuelle (ed.) ; Lloyd-Baynes, Frances; Crofts, Nicholas; Hagedorn-Saupe, Monika ; Hansen, Henrik Jarl ; Morel-Deckers, Yolande. (past editors)
Author corporate: ICOM International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC).
Year: 1989.
Serial type: Periodical - Serial
Website: Go to website
Description: international committees; museum documentation; documentation of collections; periodicals.