Kristiane Strætkvern
Chair of The International Committees Working Group (ICWG)
Museums have no borders,
they have a network
January 3, 2019
The International Committees Working Group (ICWG) was created by the President of ICOM early in 2018 to analyse the roles, purposes and operating strategies of ICOM’s International Committees (ICs). To achieve this goal, the ICWG will collect data and facilitate face-to-face and virtual discussions focused on the way ICs operates, including areas of activity, best practices, challenges, and membership engagement among others. These open dialogues are intended to identify areas for improvements and to contribute to create a shared vision for the future of ICs, priorities and needs.
As part of the efforts, the ICWG has created an online survey to collect feedback from members of International Committees as well as representatives of other ICOM groups including members of National Committees (NCs), Regional Alliances (RAs), Affiliated Organisations (AOs), and Standing Committees (SCs).
The participation of all ICOM groups will allow the voices of ICs, NCs, RCs and the ICOM membership to be heard. The survey will be executed through January 2019.
To obtain representative survey results, we need your participation.
Please take a few minutes to click on the link and complete the survey.
Please note, that once you have submitted the survey, you cannot use the link again.
Survey on International Committees
Your participation will be vital to better understand the present and build the future of ICOM’s International Committees. Your information will be kept confidential and personal information will not be shared outside this survey.
If you have technical difficulties or questions about the survey, please contact Antonio Rodriguez, member of the ICWG at
Thank you for joining.