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June 25, 2019

NetworkICOM Resolutions 2019: Call for recommendations

During the 25th General Conference of ICOM in Kyoto in September, the General Assembly will adopt new Resolutions that will mark the path of our organisation’s actions and missions in the next three years.

The resolutions adopted during the General Assembly shall be implemented during the three-year period following their adoption. The General Assembly is the decision-making body of ICOM and it sets the Statutes, elects the members of the Executive Council, and adopts ICOM’s Strategic Plan. It meets every year at the same time as the Advisory Committee, and the 34th Ordinary General Assembly will take place on the 7 September 2019 during the 25th ICOM General Conference in Kyoto (Japan).

Before 19 July 2019 any ICOM National Committee, International Committee, Regional Alliance or Affiliated Organisation in good standing may submit a recommendation using the form provided by ICOM for this purpose. They may relate to ICOM’s programmes, the missions of its various committees or the use of its resources to exert its influence throughout the world by promoting the role and contribution of museums to the betterment of society.

The recommendations, which will be submitted to the Resolutions Committee, must:

  • comply with ICOM statutory purposes and the Resolutions procedure;
  • be in accordance with ICOM’s missions and ICOM’s strategic plan

The form and all the information are available in the membership space of ICOM’s website:


Between the 1st and the 7th of September 2019, Kyoto (Japan) will host the biggest and most important conference of museums in the world. More than 3.000 museum professionals and experts from all international backgrounds will participate in this triannual event, the 25th General Conference of ICOM.  After 24 successful editions, ICOM’s flagship conference has become a worldwide reputed hub for exchange about the topical issues museums tackle today, as well as the most innovative solutions. To find more information on the conference and to register, check the ICOM Kyoto 2019 website.

ICOM Kyoto 2019 website