Monnaie d’argent de 8 réales, galion mexicain « Nuestra Señora de la Pura y Limpia Concepción », 17e s., Ø 4 cm.
Clay M’ma statuette covered with plant tar representing a figure with raised arms and elongated eyes, Agni and Akan peoples, 17th c. AD, 35.5 x 19 x 19.5 cm
Laterite Taha (sculpted head) with flat top, nose and mouth sculpted in relief, Gohitafla, pre-17th c. AD, 26.5 x Ø 19 cm
Brass plaque depicting an oba (king) with attendants, Edo people, Kingdom of Benin – Nigeria, 16th c. AD, 43.5 x 41 x 10.7 cm