Vase à effigie en céramique, Las Yayas (San Juan de la Maguana), culture Taïno (11e s. – 15e s.), 18 x 20,4 cm.
Terracotta funerary vessel with a human figure, Bura culture, Niger, ca. 4th – 13th c. ADAD, 57.15 x 23.5 x 17.78 cm
Terracotta bowl decorated with concentric circles and parallel lines, Calabar (Cross River State), 6th – 7th c. AD, Ø 33.5 cm
Terracotta funerary vase with ringed neck, belly and a hole in the base, Ebrié people, 17th c. AD, 32 x 16 cm
Human-shaped terracotta funerary vase with arm-shaped handles and a hole in the base, Akyé people, 17th c. AD, 33.5 x 20 cm