Curators, collections, collaboration: Towards a global ethics; ICME-ICOM annual meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 10-17, 2013.
Type: Publication
Meeting: ICOM International Committee for Museums of Ethnography (ICME). Annual meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013
Place, publisher, year: [Rio de Janeiro] : ICME, 2013
Notes: Incl. list of participants.
Collation: [27) p. ; 21,5 cm
Year: 2013.
Serial type: Book - Monograph - Document
Synopsis: The brochure contains the programme and the abstracts of the meeting of ICME held in Rio de Janeiro within the framework of ICOM General Conference. The meeting was divided into four sessions: Collaborative curation; Cultural empowerment/Social change; Reinterpreting collections/Digital considerations; Reinterpreting collections/Reuse of collections. One day (13 August) of the meeting was a joint session with COMCOL, ICMAH, ICR and ICOM-Korea on the theme "Focusing on collecting: contemporary collecting for reinterpetation of (older) collections".
Description: ethnography museums or collections; collecting.