Das Museum für alle – Imperativ oder Illusion? Internationales Bödensee-Symposium, 18. Juni-20. Juni 2015, ICOM Schweiz, ICOM Deutschland, ICOM Österreich.
Type: Publication
ISBN: 978-3-906007-25-0.
Meeting: International Council of Museums. ICOM Schweiz, ICOM Deutschland, ICOM Österreich. Bödensee-Symposium^n15th^pSt. Gallen, Switzerland, Konstanz, Germany and Dornbirn, Austria, 2015
Synopsis: The theme of the 15th edition of the Bödensee-Symposium was "The Museum for all: Imperative or Illusion?". The present volume brings together the papers presented at the symposium, and gives an insight into the possibilities and limitations of the museums towards social inclusion. The participants considered current practices and trends regarding the mission of museums and their accessibility. Exhibitions offer different kinds of experience. Should the museum aim at a precise target audience or should the museum be as widely accessible as possible to all public? Should the institution focus on something else than education that used to be its core function, in order to legitimate the public subsidies received? Does the museum have to increase the number of its visitors and attract new visitors? Globalisation, migrations and demographic change are nowadays fundamental questions. New and innovative concepts are developed in museums. The diversity of the audience demands is to be taken seriously. What are the advantages and where are the limits of this new trend? The symposium tried to answer these questions.