ICOM Memorial Lectures 2016 Reader, Milan, 5 July 2016. Info PDF Type: Publication ISBN: 978-3-9503327-3-6. Meeting: International Council of Museums, ICOM Milano 2016, ICOM Austria, CECA, ICEE, ICTOP and INTERCOM. Memorial lectures, Milan, Italy, 2016 Place, publisher, year: Vienna (Austria) : ICOM Austria, 2016 Collation: 27 p. ; illus. ; 21 x 29,7 cm Subject corporate: The International Council of Museums (ICOM) Author: Kraeutler, Hadwig (comp.) Year: 2016. Serial type: Book - Monograph - Document Synopsis: This brochure brings together the lectures presented at the fourth ICOM Memorial Lectures in Milan, on the occasion of the 24th General Conference of ICOM by Bernice Murphy, René Rivard and Cristina Vannini. Description: museum ethics; social role of museums; cultural landscapes. PDF ICOM_ML_2016_Reader.pdf