Museums of modern art and their public, April 5-April 17, 1974, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum: Summary report of meetings. Colloque : Les musées d'art moderne et leur public, 5 avril-17 avril 1974 : compte rendu des réunions (fre) Info Type: Publication Meeting: ICOM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art (CIMAM). Annual meeting, New York, USA, 1974 Place, publisher, year: New York : ICOM-CIMAM, 1974 Notes: Report plus 7 papers presented. Collation: 32 p. Author corporate: ICOM. International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art (CIMAM) Year: 1974. Serial type: Book - Monograph - Document Description: modern art museums or collections; public; role of museums; surveys.