Type: Publication
ISBN: 978-3-200-02733-6.
Meeting: ICOM Austrian National Committee (ICOM-Österreich), Archäologisches Museum Innsbruck, Sammlung von Abgüssen und Originalen der Universität Innsbruck, Museum Stadtarchäologie Hall in Tirol, Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum. Seminar, Innsbruck, 2011
Place, publisher, year: Innsbruck : Archäologisches Museums Innsbruck ; ICOM-Österreich, 2012
Notes: Table of contents available at: http://www.uibk.ac.at/archaeologie-museum/Spectanda_2_Inhalt.pdf
Collation: 77 p. ; illus. ; 21 x 28 cm
Author: Müller, Florian M.; Mader, Sylvia; Tarmann, Gerhard; Sossau, Veronika (Hrsg.)
Year: 2012.
Serial type: Periodical - Serial
Synopsis: The preservation and maintenance of collections are to be counted among the main tasks of a museum. Nevertheless, in many cases the construction and management of a museum storeroom are posing great challenges to the persons responsible. Concerning this subject and corresponding questions and problems, from march 4th to march 5th 2011 the ICOM-Symposium "Museumsdepots und Depoteinrichtung" was held in Innsbruck, at which 13 speakers from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, and Switzerland - among them museum's directors, curators, conservators, and architects - supplied their up to date basic knowledge about construction, layout and equipment of storage areas. Furthermore, based on best practice examples, reports as well as suggestions for preventing mistakes beforehand and propositions to find solutions for storage difficulties concerning space, conservational aspects, structure and financing were given. The conference proceedings put together all these papers. Storage rooms are a museum's core and centrepiece - the visibility of this part of museum work yet minimal. Nevertheless the appropriate actions taken in storage are what guarantees for an unscathed and long life existence of our cultural possessions. (Publisher's abstract)
Description: storage; storage areas. national committees; meetings; Austria.