Recent advances in glass, stained-glass, and ceramics conservation, 2013.
Type: Publication
ISBN: 978-90-8932-113-8.
Meeting: ICOM Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC). Glass and Ceramics Working Group. Interim meeting, and ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass (Corpus Vitrearum-ICOMOS). Forum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013
Synopsis: First joint conference of the ICOM-CC Glass and Ceramics Working Group and ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass. The conference presents the latest developments in the conservation of glass, stained glass, and ceramics in collections and in situ. The aim of the meeting was to present relevant case studies, to disseminate research results in the field, to promote the application of new materials and technologies for conservation practice, to identify further research.