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All news

October 18, 2018

General ConferencesCome to ICOM KYOTO 2019 thanks to the ICOM Getty International Programme!

For young and active ICOM members from countries with emerging economies to attend the 25th ICOM Triennial General Conference from 1-7 September, 2019, in Kyoto, Japan.

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the Organising Committee of Kyoto 2019 are grateful for the Getty Foundation’s support to bring participants from countries with emerging economies to attend the 25th ICOM Triennial General Conference to be held from 1 to 7 September in Kyoto, Japan.

By means of the ICOM Getty International Programme approximately 25 young and active ICOM members from countries with emerging economies will be enabled to benefit from this enriching international event under the theme “Museums as Cultural Hubs: the Future of Tradition”. They will hence have the opportunity to make new contacts, and develop their capacity and knowledge, which they will be able to share with colleagues in their home countries.

Thanks to this Programme successful applicants will be provided their round-trip airfare in economy class, (in the most reasonable level of Economy Class) the accommodation in a 2‐star hotel or equivalent, and a fixed provision for visas and other expenses.

For more information on the call for application, log in to your member dashboard then go to the section “Apply for a grant”.


Apply for the ICOM Getty Grant