Type: Publication
Meeting: Association des musées du Commonwealth (CAM) et Musée Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II, en collab. avec ICOM, ICTOP et ICOM Canada. Atelier régional, Jaipur, Inde, 25-28 mars 2016
Place, publisher, year: Edmonton : Commonweath Association of Museums ; Jaipur : Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II, 2016
Notes: Incl. the text of the Jaipur Declaration on Access in Museums, the list of participants. Also in electronic format.
Collation: 84 p. ; illus. ; 30 cm
Author: Venkateswaren, Mrinalini; Cole, Catherine C.; Tillotson, Giles (réd.); Phadnis, Akhila; Parthasarathy, Hema; Mathou, Corinne (trad.)
Year: 2016.
Serial type: Book - Monograph - Document