Finance and Resources Committee
Type: Standing Committees
The ICOM Finance and Resources Committee (FIREC) is a Standing Committee of ICOM to advise the Executive Board and the Advisory Council of ICOM.
The purpose and missions of the Committee are:
- Advise the Executive Board on broad issues concerning ICOM’s oversight and development of its financial resources as a whole, taking a long-term view across a triennium rather than within single fiscal-year periods;
- Advise the Executive Board on the role and potential of the ICOM’s Foundation, as a body and instrument to assist ICOM financially in diverse ways;
- Seek reports and advice from the task forces of ICOM Committees to assist the Executive Board’s clear understanding of the Committees’ functioning, giving attention to comparative issues of current concern or future potential in terms of finances and resources allocation;
- Advise ICOM on ways of differentiating some of its funding allocations on a more prioritised basis, to assist new developments and increased capacities within the organisation as a whole, according to its mission, principal objectives, strategic development and evolving programmes.
Mandate: 2023-2026
Chair: Alec COLES (ICOM Australia)
Members: Lessa Daniel N'Goran (ICOM Cotê d’Ivoire), Annabelle Camp (ICOM United States), Nick Boxem (ICOM The Netherlands), Maria Cristina Vannini (ICOM Italy), Ee Bee Gan (ICOM Singapore), Cecile Ferrere (ICOM Uruguay), Alassane Ouedraogo (ICOM Burkina Faso)
Ex-officio: Emma NARDI (Italy) President of ICOM, Carina JAATINEN (Finland), ICOM Treasurer
ICOM Secretariat: Florian COURTY (Head of Finance)