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January 7, 2020

Museum International‘Museums and Local Development’: New issue of Museum International now online

We are delighted to announce the publication of the new issue of Museum International, dedicated to the theme, ‘Museums and Local Development’, with Dr Karen Brown as guest editor.

Following the OECD-ICOM partnership to provide guidelines on a local development agenda for local governments, communities and museums, and bring about the ‘transformative power of culture’, this issue provides examples of the efforts museums make to address some of the most pressing social, economic and environmental issues of our times.

Authors from Britain, the Balkans, Croatia, Greece, Finland, Italy, Poland, Canada, Colombia, Peru, Nigeria and Pakistan illustrate a variety of ways in which local and community development can be addressed, from a grassroots approach to community outreach and inclusion, to reflections on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Developments Goals. As these examples show, community resilience, well-being and the nurturing of a sense of identity are questions that underlie the collaborative work carried out by heritage experts and members of these communities.

ICOM members can access the full online issue free of charge through their member space on the ICOM website.

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