Type: Publication
Place, publisher, year: Oxford : ICOM International Committee for Education and Cultural Action, 1973
Notes: Pdf available at: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8yHu7SudP4kODhiNWY5NWMtMzRhNi00MTdkLTljZTMtNWQ5ZWM3YWFlMWM3/edit?hl=en&pli=1.
Collation: p. 8-13 ; 21 cm
Subject museum: Milwaukee Art Center (USA)
Author: Reis, Joseph J.
Year: 1973.
Serial type: Article from Periodical
Synopsis: In September 1970, a special project got underway to determine the effectiveness of two types of teaching devices within the museum environment. The project centered upon the collection of modern and contemporary art of the museum. Ten criterion questions
Description: teaching; learning; USA; surveys.