Metal’98: Proceedings of the international conference on metals conservation, Draguignan, Figanières, France, 27-29 May 1998. Métal'98 : actes de la conférence international sur la conservation des métaux., fre Info Type: Publication ISBN: 1-873936-82-6. Meeting: ICOM Committee for Conservation. Working Group on Metals. International Conference., Draguigan, Figanières, France, 1998 Place, publisher, year: [Impr. Malta] : James and James, 1998 Notes: Incl. references. Collation: vi, 346 p. ; illus. ; 30 cm Author: Mourey, William (ed.)., Robbiola, Luc (ed.). Year: 1998. Serial type: Book - Monograph - Document Description: metals;conservation;deterioration;prevention of deterioration;meetings. international committees;working groups.