Ethics Committee
Type: Standing Committees
The ICOM Ethics Committee advises ICOM in all matters relating to museum professional ethics. The members of the Committee, whose mandate is renewed triennially, are appointed by ICOM’s President. The Committee operates in parallel to the Legal Affairs Committee and the Finance and Resources Committee, and works under the authority of the Executive Board.
The objectives of the Ethics Committee are as follows:
- Monitor the application of ICOM's Code of Ethics for Museums, inform the Executive Board of serious violations of the Code, and eventually request that certain recommendations be published;
- Recommend to the Executive Board, the Advisory Council and eventually the General Assembly, any changes or additions to ICOM's Code of Ethics for Museums that may be found necessary;
- Review on behalf of ICOM other Codes of Ethics that may be developed by the subordinate bodies of ICOM concerning their specialised domains;
- Maintain awareness and advise the Executive Board on evolving ethical issues affecting museums and their work within the cultural heritage sector today; submit a general report on the Committee’s work during the preceding triennium to each General Assembly coinciding with the General Conference of ICOM.
Mandate: 2023-2026
Chair: Léontine Meijer-Van Mensch (ICOM Germany)
Members: Sally Yerkovich (ICOM United States) (as Head of the Revision of the Code of Ethics), Jingfang Ai (ICOM China), Chedlia Annabi (ICOM Tunisia), Bruno Brulon Soares (ICOM Brazil), Julie Higashi (ICOM Japan), Kathrin Pabst (ICOM Norway), Suzy Hakimian (ICOM Lebanon), Bongani Ndhlovu (ICOM South Africa), Louisa Onuoha (ICOM Nigeria), Juhi Sadiya (ICOM India), Margarita Laraignée (ICOM Argentina), Luis Grau Lobo (ICOM Spain), Zsolt Sári (ICOM Hungary)
Ex-officio: Emma Nardi, ICOM President, Steph Scholten, Executive Board Representative
External expert : Luisa De Peña Díaz (ICOM Dominican Republic)
ICOM Secretariat: Tito CHAN (Senior Membership Officer)