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Conference featured Focus General Conferences ICOM Voices International Museum Day Museum International Museums and Chill Network Sharing is Caring SustainabilityNovember 9, 2024
G20 Brazil: ICOM advocates the key role of museums in culture-based climate action

November 9, 2021
Heritage institutions tackling climate change: on museums and COP26

July 30, 2021
ICOM contributed to the G20 Culture Ministerial Meeting “Addressing the Climate Crisis through Culture”

June 7, 2021
Red Lists come to Life: a Louvre exhibition aims to raise awareness of illicit trafficking in cultural property

April 14, 2021
Earth Day webinar: Museums and Sustainability

March 8, 2021
#WomenInMuseums Choose to Challenge

November 20, 2020
1970-2020: ICOM’s key role in 50 years of fighting illicit trafficking of cultural goods

July 15, 2020
ICOM and ICOMOS Joint Statement on Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey)

June 3, 2020
Museums for Equality: The Time is Now

April 26, 2020
Climate Change and Copyright Laws: the Challenge of Safeguarding Our Heritage

April 6, 2020
Onto the next step for the amendment of the EU Regulation banning N2 across the Union

March 13, 2020
Thinking around community-based museums: the perspective of a doctoral student engaged in the EU-LAC Museums project

March 6, 2020
Women In Museums: Margaret M. Brayton and the Children’s Museum Committee of ICOM

January 17, 2020
Terra Nova | International expansion at the V&A

December 10, 2019
ICOM & ICOMOS unite in call to allow the use of Nitrogen for the protection of cultural heritage!

November 28, 2019
“El museo. Manual internacional” published by ICOM and Ediciones Akal

November 25, 2019
Museums and community : EU-LAC-MUSEUMS outcomes

August 14, 2019
The 4th episode of Seeking Change: A new museum definition is out!

July 25, 2019
ICOM announces the alternative museum definition that will be subject to a vote

July 12, 2019
The 3rd episode of Seeking Change: A new museum definition is out!