All news

November 24, 2020

ICOMOS, ICA, IFLA & ICOM – Statement on Nagorno Karabakh


November 23, 2020

ICOM Follow-up report: Museums, Museum professionals and COVID-19

November 20, 2020

1970-2020: ICOM’s key role in 50 years of fighting illicit trafficking of cultural goods


November 19, 2020

Community Museums as Cultural First Responders

ICOM Voices

November 18, 2020

2020 Forum for ICOM International Committees


November 12, 2020

ICOM Webinar | Recover and Recreate: Stimulating Employment in the Museum Sector

November 4, 2020

Sustainability Management in Museums: A new Approach to Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

ICOM Voices

November 2, 2020

Get to know ICOM: WGS, the Working Group on Sustainability


October 30, 2020

ICOM Webinar | Emergency Management for Museums: focus Lebanon

October 16, 2020

ICOM WEBINAR | Keeping in touch: digital transformation for museums in the time of COVID-19

October 14, 2020

Co-Creation During the COVID-19 Lockdown: My Wachau – Multiple Voices on the World Heritage Site

ICOM Voices

October 12, 2020

Launch of the Call for ICOM Solidarity Projects 2021

October 7, 2020

The Best in Heritage 2020: a digital, global journey


October 5, 2020

ICOM strongly condemns the targeting of cultural heritage as a weapon of war in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, and urge parties to find a peaceful solution


October 2, 2020

ICOM Webinar | New challenges for collections and storage areas

October 1, 2020

Alliance ICOM-ICCROM International Course


September 30, 2020

Responding to COVID-19: Agile Interpretation at English Heritage

ICOM Voices

September 29, 2020

Further extension of the deadline application to host the 27th ICOM General Conference in 2025


September 23, 2020

ICOM France Conference ‘And now, recovery…. thinking about the post-crisis museum’


September 22, 2020

ICOM Webinars | Capacity building for museums professionals


  • Red Lists

    The Red Lists classify the endangered categories of archaeological objects or works of art in the most vulnerable areas of the world, in order to prevent them being sold or illegally exported.

  • Publications

    Through its network, ICOM publishes or takes part in the publication of major books for the international museum community every year.