The database compiles all the categories of cultural goods illustrated in the ICOM Red Lists. For more information on the Red Lists, please visit the dedicated page.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A Red List is NOT a list of actual stolen objects. The cultural goods depicted are inventoried objects within the collections of recognised institutions. They serve to illustrate the categories of cultural goods most vulnerable to illicit traffic.
Results (63)
Banded calcite ram-shaped stamp seal, Tell Ag...
Clay figurine with a serpent’s head, Uruk, en...
Sasanian silver drachm, southern Iraq, reign ...
Abbasid gold dinar, reign of al-Mansur (AD 76...
Clay cylinder in cuneiform writing with the n...
Clay chariot model, Ashur, 2500 – 2000 BC, 13...
Gold earring with pearls, garnet and glass, 8...
Stone and shell necklace, southern Iraq, Part...
Alabaster relief of the profile of King Ashur...
Stone relief plaque illustrating a banquet sc...
Miniature glass bottle, Ashur, 13th c. BC, 23...
Ceramic bowl with Aramaic inscription, southe...
Lapis lazuli cylinder seal, Babylon, 14th c. ...
Clay tablet with seal impression depicting tw...
Ivory plaque with ram-headed sphinx in Phoeni...
Clay foundation cone with cuneiform inscripti...
Ellipsoid carnelian stamp decorated with a sc...
Paper folio with ink, gold and opaque waterco...
Green-blue glazed jar, southern Iraq, AD 632 ...
Beaded necklace, Uruk, 8th – 6th c. BC, Ø 10 ...
Gold earring with jasper and carnelian beads,...
Bronze vessel, Ashur, 9th – 8th c. BC, 41 x ∅...
Clay tablet with cuneiform writing, Uruk, ca....
Glass vial, 10th – 11th c. AD, 10.1 x ∅ 6.9 x...
Bronze axe, Ashur, last quarter of the 3rd mi...
Carved teak doors, 9th c. AD, 221 x 104.8 cm.
Red, black and white painted terracotta cones...
Bronze foundation element figurine bearing a ...
Terra cotta relief: cult scene from Khafaji, ...
Bronze foundation figurine, end of the 3rd mi...
Stone Assyrian relief fragment from Nineveh, ...
Panel carved in relief : Assyrian warriors fr...
Jewellery board, Royal Cemetery of Ur, about ...
Pottery jar decorated “scarlet wareR...
Islamic monochrome lustre ware cup, 10th cent...
Islamic glasses : cup (IM 11204) and bottle (...
Gold bowl, Royal Cementery of Ur, about 2500 ...
Small alabaster vessels, Tell es-Sawwan, 6th ...
Islamic manuscript page in Arabic
Islamic carved brick architectural decoration
Islamic wooden panel
Islamic coins
Painted prehistoric pottery from Eridu
Clay proto-cuneiform tablet with early pictog...
Clay cuneiform tablet still partly in its env...
Baked clay foundation cone with cuneiform wri...
Stone cylinder seal, beginning of the 2nd mil...
Stone stamp seals, Jamdat Naser period, about...
Stone stamp seals in the shape of animals and...
Ivory plaque from Nimrud, beginning of the 1s...
Stone figurines from Tell es-Sawwan, beginnin...
Stone Sumerian statue, about 2400 B.C. (IM 55...
Sumerian alabaster statue from Ur, about 2400...
Stone statue from Hatra, 2nd century A.D. (IM...
Terra cotta Sumerian figure from Tello, about...
Clay chariot model, beginning of the 2nd mill...
Alabaster relief of a winged and bird-headed ...
Pottery jar, southern Iraq, early 2nd millenn...
Alabaster votive statue, Ashur, 2400 BC, H 46...
Clay figurine of a bull, Uruk, ca. 5900 – 440...
Lustered plate, Samarra, Abbasid Calpihate (9...
Limestone vessel with natural asphalt coating...
Decorative brass box with silver inlay, Mosul...